Our Work
Uplifting communities out of poverty and marginalisation
Palms for Life Fund (PFLF) has been working with the San communities in Southern Africa since 2016 to uplift these indigenous communities out of poverty and marginalisation. These efforts are results and impact driven; and framed within the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and, more importantly within our deep commitment to protecting the human rights of most marginalised communities and in the most dignifying way.
A first phase of a large Social Development Program is about to conclude to make room for a second phase that will start in March 2024. Such ambitious undertaking is possible thanks to generous philanthropic contributions and an indefatigable commitment from our teams in our headquarters and on the ground.
In all countries, PFLF has established a local capacity that is constantly being supported and strengthened to deliver the expected results. We work closely with Government and engage local implementing partners, who have gained years of expertise in their particular areas of social development.
This is how we build an international community of like-minded people and communities that have joined our commitment to change and long lasting impact.

Today, these efforts have already generated significant changes, impacting more than 30,000 people in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa in the following:
Early Childhood Development
In Namibia, and for the first time in their life, thousands of children have gained access to Early Childhood Development in state-of-the-art, fully quipped, child-friendly schools and with Montessori trained local community teachers
Vocational Training
In Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, hundreds of young students get a second chance to complete their studies and enroll in vocational training
Hostels Upgraded
We’ve upgraded hostels for San children providing eating and sleeping equipment and improving the state of the buildings
Water Access
We’ve drilled boreholes in remote areas where people were walking many kilometres to fetch a little bit of water for their basic daily needs
Hydroponics Agriculture
In Botswana, we have introduced hydroponics agriculture in drought- affected remote communities thanks to the participation of a private company who has joined our teams on the ground as a way to share their innovative technology with less fortunate communities
Adult Literacy
We have improved adult literacy especially for San women, and promoted the use of the San languages as mother tongue
Waterless Toilets
We have brought waterless toilets to the small San/Khomani community of Andriesvale in the Kalahari desert of South Africa, so they too can experience a more dignifying way of living
We’re also tackling gender-based violence, and have launched a “zero alcohol” campaign among our project participants
Solar Parks (in dev.)
We are currently exploring the creation of solar parks as income generating options for San communities.